

jumping pillow problems

jumping pillow injury

jumping pillow accident

jumping pillow safety

jumping pillow problems

jumping pillow problems

jumping pillow injury

Disclaimer: The use of the term 'Jumping Pillow' across this site refers to a generic product type and in no way refers to a company or specific product. The owner of Playsafe Products Pty. Ltd. Is also the owner of the domain name jumpingpillows.com and the company Jumping Pillows LLC. This is an International site targeted toward the International community and not specifically Australia.

jumping pillow problems

Jumping Pillow refers to a specific type of playground product!

Jumping Pillows is also a company name and brand in some countries and the two should not be confused. The purpose of this site is to explain how this product (whether it is presented to you as a Jumping Pillow. Kangaroo Jumper, Bouncy Pillow, Cloud Jumper etc.) can become very unsafe unless the supplier has taken certain measures to eliminate the unsafe issues associated with the product. To date, only one company has done so and virtually eliminated the incidence of injury.
It is hoped that others will follow their lead and put a stop to the collective 'unacceptable and unnecessary' playground injuries that can be associated with the product.

jumping pillow problems

There are two main issues that directly affect the safety of a Jumping Pillow
They are: The height of the jumper and the exposure of the hard edge. There are other factors and we'll cover those later! If the jumper is too high it means that:

1. When clients jump off the jumper landing causes impact on ankles, knees and hips. The greater the height of the jumper the greater the impact. Obviously, the lower the height the less likely the impact will cause an injury. The Jumping Pillow needs to operate at 'Low-Level'

2. The higher a Jumping Pillow is, the steeper the sides are. Steep sides often make it difficult for smaller children to get up onto the jumping surface.

3. As the sides increase in steepness, it narrows the actual jumping area. You cannot jump comfortably on a steep surface and, it is a safety hazzard if you try to. The narrowing of the jumping surface means less people can jump! A Jumping Pillow operating at Low-level accommodates a lot more people and has a positive impact on spacing.

4. Remember the other main cause of injury - the exposure of the hard edge? When you have steep sides you enable jumpers to slide off the pillow to dismount, when they do so, they plunge their feet into the sand pushing it away from the hard edge. A Low-level jumper eliminates this problem entirely!


Now watch the video below and see the features mentioned above in action!